Funny Texts to Send a Girl You Like

You're texting a cute girl, but you need help…

The ways you make her laugh in real life don't work over text.

You're wondering how to make a girl laugh over text .

And that's exactly what you're going to learn right here!

You get:

  • The #1 rule for being funny over text
  • About 69 screenshot examples of guys making women laugh over text
  • A fun texting game to get to know her while making her laugh
  • How to make her smile with sexual innuendos
  • A copy paste line for when you and your crush have something in common
  • A rule to prevent yourself from looking like a fool when you're joking
  • One quick exercise to come up with powerful name jokes

By the way, do you sometimes get stuck in online conversations? Very frustrating... but there is a simple solution. I created a bonus named The 10 Texts That Always Work, including my favorite text to send when I have gotten her number, an easy message to get her out on a date, and some witty lines to get the conversation going. Download it, it's completely free and easy to use.

WARNING: Reading an article isn't enough to turn yourself into a hilarious comedian. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. And probably trying to swindle you out of your hard-earned smackaroos. What can reading an article give you? Familiarity. Familiarity with as many common texting situations as possible. And that's exactly what you'll get here.

#1: Create inside jokes

Create a unique connection she has with nobody else, by creating an inside joke.

Step away from any normal chat, and soon you'll be having 'conversations' like this:

Obviously, this funny sequence was out of this guy's control, but he chose to build on top of it.

His best course of action would be to get off the respecting-train and change topics.

The good thing about this start?

The words 'respect' and 'respecting' will forever have a special meaning to them.

Inside joke galore.

#2: Always be a gentleman

An essential question all good texters know the answer to

What do girls like more, a man who takes the lead or a gentleman?

The guy in this screenshot opted for number two.

Looks like this convo happened at 02:14 AM.

So it's not farfetched to assume this girl was feeling horny.

Either way, you can never be safe enough these days, even when sexting.

So this fine gent asked for consent.

Whether it cracked her up or made her unmatch him and switch back to pornhub, we'll never know.

Holy Tip:

When a woman even as much as hints at anything sexual, most men INSTANTLY bite.

Which most women expect.

So if you don't take the bait, you'll definitely stand out.

One of the rarest sights to a woman, is a man who has control over his donger.

If you can be the guy that has his manaconda under control, then your snek will be in pleasant company soon.

Anyway, this article was about examples on how to make a girl laugh over text. So let's get back on track!

#3: Be rude, in a witty way

Once you build up your texting experience, you'll notice girls are CRAZY about two things:

  1. Men who make them laugh
  2. Astrology and personality tests

As you get better at texting, your conversations with women change.

Suddenly you'll be answering questions about star signs and debating personality types.

As far as I remember, my personality type is ENTP-A, also known as The Debater.

Which is why I don't mind debating with girls about all this pseudo-science.

If you're like most of my readers, you're more intelligent than the average Joe. And probably have a job that's very 'sciency'.

If so, you probably know the secret behind personality tests:

The tests seem true, not because the underlying systems are accurate, but because of the Forer-effect.

So how do you hilariously say you're not into all this mumbo jumbo?

Like so:

Thanks for sharing the test. I did it. My type is [your results].

Different tests gave quite different results though. And not everything was as accurate

Ranging from ISTJ-A to INTP-T… I decided my personality type is IDGA-F

(If you missed the joke, IDGAF stands for "I don't give a f#$%".)

Never be rude for the sake of being rude.

But if you can be rude in a playful and clever way, you're cheeky.

And women often appreciate cheeky men.

#4: The sexual innuendo

The only reason you're reading this, is because…

The title includes the word 'sex'.


On a more serious note, this tip is more valuable than you think..

Look at this screenshot example:

The guy in this screenshot abandoned the usual type of Tinder conversation.

Which shows me he probably knows his stuff.

He goes from serious to sexual in one smooth plot twist.

Giving her a rainbow of feels in mere moments.

What's the takeaway from this screenshot?

Innuendos are your friend.

Purposely misinterpreting her words is one of your strongest weapons of seduction.

Not only do you make her laugh over text, misinterpretation also steers the conversation into any direction you want.

#5: The sexual unnuendo

Although my writing skills are debatable, unnuendo is not a typo.

It's a discovery.

And seeing how I'm the discoverer, I'll give its definition:

When you undo someone's innuendo.

Did someone sexualize something you wrote and you don't like it?

Do an unnuendo.

And if you do the unnuendo in a funny way, it won't kill the vibe.

Pretty smooth comeback, m'lady.

*tips hat*

#6: How to be lazy and funny at the same time

The next tip entrepreneurial trick saves you effort, but doesn't skimp out on funny.

You see, most business owners don't do their own administrative work.

I sure as hell don't do mine.

Instead, the entrepreneur outsources the task.

How does any of this relate to you?

Suppose you're the businessman and 'funny' is your administration.

Outsource that sheet.

The internet is overflowing with jokes, memes and cat videos.

If you want to be funny and not work for it, get someone else to do your funny.

  • Find a joke
  • Download it to your phone
  • Send it to the lady that grows your corpus spongiosum

GG WP. Easy.

#7: Video that makes girls laugh

A crucial insight that you must know if you want to share hilarious content:

Short is better than long.

I don't know about you, but when someone sends me a video over a minute long.

I won't watch it.

A minute takes up too much of my time and distracts me from what I'm doing.

But a 10 – 20 second video?

Sure, I'll watch that right away.

Because it doesn't feel like it sucks up too much time.

And in my experience, women work the same.

So, you're whalecum.

Besides video length, here's an extra tip to make your video extra funny.

Don't just send your clip right away, build tension.

Hey [her name], I need to ask you something important

If she's like most mortals, she won't be able to resist the clickbait.

And reply with:

Holy Tip:

Odds are you've probably never seen that clip.

If you did, my apologies memelord.

Anyway, that clip is hella old.

And the older the clip, the more likely she hasn't seen it.

If she hasn't seen it, the more likely she'll laugh.

Abuse the power of clickbait and get better laughs.

And if you read further down, I'll tell you how to use clickbait to get more texts than ever.

#8: How NOT to make her laugh through text

Here come two of the BIGGEST mistakes men make over text:

  • Taking things too seriously
  • Making things too serious

Why is that a problem?

90% of the time texting is supposed to be LIGHT and FUN.


Life is serious enough, people socialize over text to take a break from life's hardships.

And although deep and meaningful conversation is also fun.

Texting isn't the medium for this. It's too impersonal.

Plus, once you know everyone texts to raise their spirits, you'll automatically write funnier messages.

#9: How to make girls laugh over text

The lines I already gave you will get you better reactions, but it's not enough to get your dream girl.


You're copying my lines.

Lines that didn't come out of your brain.

So even if my lines get you dates and bow-chika-bow-wow with hot girls, you won't keep them around.

Because after one or two times of hiding the salami, she'll figure out you're two different people.

Hilarious and attractive guy over text, and Basic Bob in real life.

If you want to occupy Vagistan on the daily, or have a long-lasting romantic relationship, you need to level up your flirt skills.

Where do you start?

Get into the right mindset for funny.

The next video shows you exactly how I come up with my jokes and make the ladies chuckle.

Check it out here:

Watched it?


Learned something?


Liked and subscribed and complimented me on my personality in the comments?


On to the next tip!

#10: An easy way to earn sexy points

A good tease is funny, but a good comeback will have people cheering and blowing their party horns.

A good comeback is fuggin' priceless.

And will earn you lots of sexy points.

This line, my dearest reader, is not reserved for this exact conversation.

Are you talking to someone you have a lot in common with?

Bang, copy paste this line.

One of my coaches tried it on two female friends that he has a ton in common with. They both loved it.

And I'm going to make it even better for you.

You don't need to wait for her to say that the two of you are similar. Just do it yourself.

You're basically me without a penis.

So I kinda have what you're missing.

Try it some time.

#11-20: Steal these 10 funny texts

Rumor has it you're about to get 10 funny texts RIGHT NOW.

Without having to pay a cent for them.

And let me tell you something.

Rumor is right.

I'm giving away 10 texts from my coaches and myself.

Now you might be wondering why I'm giving away some of my own juicy juicy texts?

Well, let's just say I am somewhat of a saint.

Click this sentence to get instant access to my 10 Texts That Always Work.

Onto a classic move, in the next tip!

#21: Make her laugh with evil children

The next comedy technique is incredibly easy and almost always overlooked by my clients.

When it comes to humor, my clients tend to gravitate to written jokes.

Which works wonders.

But are also incredibly difficult to create if you're new to texting.

If that describes you, I have a far easier way to come up with a knee-slapper.

You ready?

Store all jokes and videos onto your phone that remind you of a particular girl and…

And send them to her.

Obviously, not all in one go.

But sprinkle them in when your convo needs more energy and enthusiasm.

As for more ways to make your girlfriend laugh over text…

I just got a brilliant idea for a video you can send her right now.

Suppose she mentioned that she once did something bad.

If you want to make her laugh over text, send her this:

Let me tell you, videos like that are pure genius.

And always get laughs if…

It is a video she can actually identify with.

Whatever funny video or joke you send, make sure it's relatable.

#22: Wordplay texts that make her laugh

Girls are attracted to humor for reasons you may not know.

A big reason is obviously that humor makes her laugh, and laughing feels good.

But another large part of it is more subtle.

Someone who can write good jokes is intelligent.

One kind of joke that particularly shows your big brain is wordplay.

Wordplay requires a quick wit.

And a quick wit makes women weak in the knees.

Suppose a woman on Bumble opens you with the next line:

So, for our first date, I tried to get us reservations at the library… but they were all booked

It's rare for a girl to open with more than a plebian "Hey," so don't let this one slide!

What do you reply?

Let's first discuss what texts would kill the vibe:


I've never heard that pickup line before

Likely responses.

And also utterly unattractive.

Neither of these replies move the conversation forward.

You may as well reply nothing.

Because how is she supposed to build on top of those responses without changing topics?

That's a rhetorical question. She has no choice but to change topics.

So what's a better reply?

That's funny because I work at the library and I could have sworn I checked you out today


Now you're both working together to make each other laugh.

#23: Fun game to make girls laugh over text

The game of this tip won't only make her laugh, but it'll also build a strong connection.

How deep that connection goes, is completely up to you.

So what game am I talking about?

A game you probably played ages ago as a kid.

The old classic…

Two Truths and a Lie.

In case you aren't familiar, here are the rules:

  • The first person says two truths about themselves, and one lie.
  • The other person has to try and pick out the lie.

Dating app Bumble integrated this game into their profile text suggestions, because it works.

Examples anyone?

Let's go!

Here are two examples I recently found:

Two truths and a lie. Ready. Set. Go!

My dad used to molest me, my priest used to molest me, my uncle used to molest me

Holy hell. Dark.

Probably not the best start of a conversation.

At least the guy knows how to surprise someone. A true plot twist expert.

Now for the second example.

Speed round: Two truths and a lie. Go!

I'm not really good at two truths and a lie.

I've never lied before. I only tell the truth.

All these conversations were from girls on Bumble.

Did you notice how every woman's first text had flawless proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation?

That's because the girls tagged in Bumble to help them.

Whenever a woman tries to send a peasant opener like "Hey", Bumble shows them a pop-up that warns her the opener sucks.

And offers a more successful opener of its own.

Pretty neat if I say so myself!

#24: Openers girls HATE

Almost every guy who wants to be funny and original falls into the next pitfall.

Unless you're on Bumble, you'll almost always send the first text.

Which is stressful.

Send the wrong text and you may not even get a reply.

So most men work hard to write a good opener.

An opener that triggers emotion.

Unless you read TextGod, you'll probably gravitate toward her name.

"Hmmm… If I can write a pun about her name, I'll definitely get a response."

Which isn't a bad idea

As long as your joke is unique.

More often than not, name opener create situations like this:

A female friend named Jane gets these by the ton.

And every guy that sends them, sets himself up for rejection.

Don't be the cliché name guy.

All you communicate by making the same joke as thousands before you is:

I think I'm a texting mastermind, but I actually lack the basic awareness to realize that I'm writing the same jokes as a kid from kindergarten who eats paste.

Holy Tip:

Whenever you get a name-inspired joke, take a deep breath and think:

Is this joke obvious? What are the odds she's heard it before?"

If the odds are high, skip the joke and send her this:

Hey [name], how many lame jokes about your name have you had to endure already?

That communicates you have a big brain.

Feel free to improve my line.

The more relevant it is to her, the better.

Want to see a good name-inspired joke?

Check out this guy:

Want more screenshot examples on how to make a girl smile through text?

Fine, let's cover more in the next 2 tips, so you can master the art of name jokes.

#25: Make creative jokes with her name

Make one cliché name joke and you're out.

Game over.

Make one clever, original name joke and you're in.

Game on.

I take my hat off to the fine gent who came up with this clever clever CLEVER Tinder opener for a girl named Melanie:

I just rubbed over my crystal ball and have a prediction about you:

You've never written an opener that got as much praise as Melanie.


No worries, bro.

I've got just what you need.

The Clickbait Opener.

It's the opener that has the highest response rate in our solar system. And it gets you reactions like this:

Besides the opener, you'll also get access to a secret video that gives you 7 screenshot examples and 2 follow-up texts.


#26: Make creative jokes with her name

Up next is an exercise that'll put your wit to the test. Score high and you'll 169% do well with the ladies.

Suppose you match a girl named Mercedes.

Instead of making her laugh with any opener, you have to write a joke about her name.

What would your joke be?

Please fight the temptation to scroll down to the answer.

Not for me, but for your own good.

I won't always be there to whisper good lines into your ear.

But your brain will always be with you.

So make sure your brain works!

If you agree with what I say, take this moment to stop reading and start thinking about Mercedes.

Imagine she looks like this:

Do you finally have your answer?


If you came up with a joke relating to the car company, you've…

Failed miserably.


Because the snot-nosed brat from kindergarten would do the same.

Did you playfully MOCK the guys who send her Mercedes jokes?

Then you did pretty good.

Curious about the answer that gets my thumbs up?

Take a look.

He sent her the empathy opener.

Which he followed up with a name joke of his own.

Not bad at all, good sir.

IMPORTANT: When a name-inspired joke is HYPER obvious, you won't be the first to show empathy.

Many men will ask her,

How many other guys sent you the obvious name joke?

Almost as many who ask me that lame question

Women won't ever be that harsh, because they're too nice.

The point is, empathy doesn't always work.

If you can't do better than empathy, it may be better to do a different opener altogether.

#27: How to create suspense for your punchline

If you want to get your dream girl…

…then I hope you didn't skip tip #25 where I gave you my best opener for free.

Because if you DID download my opener, then you also gained access to a secret video.

In that video, I explain exactly how to use this opener, and why it works so well.

Let's give you a hint.

My best performing opener ABUSES the psychological principle of curiosity.

The opener has two stages.

The first stage asks her an irresistible question.

Which gets you a reply.

The second stage of the opener makes her feel two opposing emotions at the same time.

Which raises her attraction for you.

I bet this all sounds a SUPER vague without an example. Too bad you don't have one.

Oh wait, you actually get SEVEN screenshot examples right here.

Enjoy, brother!

#28: Say negative things in a positive way

I'm going to give you one simple mindset to always be funnier.

First a little background on fun.

When you're being funny, you'll make people laugh.

And if you can make people laugh, they'll be inclined to like you.

Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.

If you often make people feel bad, they'll be inclined to dislike you.

One of the most common ways to make people feel bad, is by complaining.

No matter what, a complainer will always find something to whine about.

And annoy everyone.

Pretty self-explanatory.

But I have something that may shock you.

You complain more often than you think.

After all, complaining is human nature.

So what would happen if you could eliminate all complaining?

You'd probably be a joy to be around.

How do you stop complaining?

With the power of…


Let's give you an example.

Suppose the girl you're dating gave you a healthy vegan breakfast shake.

Now you could say :

It's disgusting! There's no way I'm finishing the rest

I'll reframe it:

It tastes uhm… very uhm… healthy. It'll be a challenge to finish, but I'M NOT BITCH MADE!

The message stays the same: the shake tastes like horseshit.

But one option spreads negativity.

And the other spreads positivity and makes your crush laugh.

Do you really need to be told which option is better?

#29: Making her laugh is one thing, getting the date is something else

If you want to see your crush in person, don't ask her out like this:

Hey, I would like to take you out on a date.


Hey, I want to buy you a drink. Are you free sometime


Even Pauly D knows that's just wrong.

Do you want her to accept your date proposal?

Check out the next video and you'll know how to get her onto the date:

By the way, I have an epic way to make her laugh.

More on that, in the next tip.

#30: The best way to be funny on Tinder

I'm about to give you a rule that roughly shows you how many laughs your joke will get.

Here's the rule:

If your joke makes sense to everyone, your joke is…


If your joke only makes sense to one girl, your joke is…


That's why I always preach about personalized openers.

Firstly, that profile is fake. No woman with a functioning brain would have a profile text like that. That's a man who made a fake profile with a bio constructed by man-logic.

But the above screenshot does illustrate my point.

That guy's joke was written specifically for the woman from the profile.

And if she has a good sense of humor, she'd be in stitches.

#31: Give funny answers to her boring texts

In the next 60 seconds, you'll learn how to answer her boring texts.

If you spend a lot of time on Bumble, you'll often get the next line:

Hey there! If you could travel to any city, on a first date, where would you go?

It's not that all women are sharing the same hivemind.

Bumble simply helps out the ladies by giving them openers.

Now, if you have too much on your hands, you could write a unique answer to every single for every woman who asks you.

I prefer to spend my time differently.

So here's a copy pastable answer of mine.

Feel try to use it, or use it as inspiration for your own.

Hey there! If you could travel to any city, on a first date, where would you go?

Personally, I'd just send this photo.

Many men add a line of text like some dude on Reddit:

Nothing better than intercourse on a first date!

Personally, I think adding to an already perfectly clear photo is a bad idea.

Minimalism, my dude.

#32: Be the playful idiot

Remember when everyone TeXTeD LiKe tHiS on MSN messenger or ICQ?

Maybe you don't because you were still wearing diapers.

Or maybe you don't because every time you typed like you had brain damage, you got brain damage.

Anyway, that old skool way of texting is pretty ridiculous. Which is why it died down.

That said…

Because hardly anyone uses MSN-speak, it's got a new function.

Adding levity.

Imagine you just texted your girlfriend to meet up at the café at 6 PM.

And she responds with:

Why are we going to the bar so early?

By writing your message in a fUnNy AnD wEiRd way, it becomes obvious you're joking.

Please don't keep writing in MSN-speech if she legitimately wants to hear your reason.

Then it becomes obnoxious.

The goal is never to be a jerk, just to play with the emotions that jerks are so good at evoking.

#33-52: These 20 icebreakers will make her laugh

If you made it all the way here and STILL feel like reading more valuable nuggets of wisdom…

…then I'm sorry. I'm completely done with this article.

But I do have a funny video for you, where I read 20 funny Tinder icebreakers to my girlfriend.

She then decides, in the name of all women, whether those icebreakers are funny or not.

Watch it here:

Catch you in the next article, bro.

Louis Farfields.

For more tips, check out these articles:

And don't forget your download below ;)

FREE download (must-have):
My secret clickbait-opener

Do you know what's strangly irresistible, even in texting? The psychological principle of clickbait!

And you can wield this power with my Clickbait opener to get quick replies.
You get 7 examples + 2 follow-up lines here:

Yes, give me the free opener!


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